
Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A Local Plan is a document that is used to guide new development and determine planning applications within the Borough. This ensures that new development is co-ordinated and reflects the aspirations of the community. The new Local plan will set out how our Borough grows over the next 15 years and beyond. 

A Local Plan is needed to help shape future development in the Borough. Without an up-to-date Local Plan, the Council and our communities will have less say in how our Borough changes and meets future challenges such as climate change. 

The Government requires Local Authorities to allocate land for housing, employment and other infrastructure. We are also required to identify areas that are protected as open spaces, green belt, for wildlife or as heritage assets etc. We are also required to explain how we will meet the Governments targets for delivery of housing and our approach to addressing climate change in line with National Planning Policy. The Local Plan will aim to address these issues. 

It is important that Welwyn Hatfield has an up-to-date Local Plan that is consistent with National Policy to help manage the planning process, determine planning applications and deliver development in a sustainable way. Local plans which are out of date or inconsistent with National Planning Policy carry less weight when making planning decisions. An up-to-date Local plan means we are in a stronger position to defend ourselves from unsuitable speculative planning proposals. 

The Local Plan can influence how land is used, for example whether it is used for housing, employment, leisure and community facilities, open space or other infrastructure. Issues planning policy can influence include:

  • The protection of parks, open spaces and important wildlife habitats
  • Allocation of land for housing, employment or other commercial development
  • The type and mix of housing in new development including the amount of affordable housing provision
  • Securing infrastructure to support new development
  • Achieving good design in new development
  • Cycle and car parking provision in new developments
  • The protection of heritage assets and sites of archaeological importance
  • The protection of land for certain uses (e.g. employment, retail, community or leisure uses)
  • Flooding, water management and energy efficiency policies
  • Policies with standards for air quality, noise and contaminated land
  • Policies for addressing climate change

Issues regarding roads, public transport, schools and health facilities are not in the remit of the Local Plan. Infrastructure is provided by a number of different public and private organisations including Hertfordshire County Council. Although the council cannot directly provide new infrastructure, consideration of provision is part of the Local Plan process and is something the Council discusses regularly with the relevant providers.

The Council are taking the first steps towards creating a new Local Plan. This early engagement process is the first opportunity for the community to let us know what they feel are the key challenges and opportunities facing the Borough. We also want to understand what aspirations people have for the Borough. 

Early engagement will help us identify what matters to most to our communities. This will help us shape a vision for the new Local Plan. 

Autumn 2024

Early Engagement runs until 4th November 2024. Comments will be reviewed and will help the Council shape a vision for the new Local Plan. It will also help us to start thinking about the areas and topics the Local Plan needs to address.  

Summer 2025

Six-week public consultation on key topics that will shape the plan

Summer 2026

Six-week public consultation on a proposed submission Local Plan

Autumn 2026

Submit the Local Plan for examination by a planning inspector


Public examination and Adoption by the Council.

You can give us your views via this online portal, just click on a topic area and provide your feedback. Alternatively, you could speak to a council officer at one of our two drop in events:

  • Thursday 3rd October 2024, 3pm – 7pm, The Howard Centre in Welwyn Garden City
  • Friday 11th October 2024, 3pm – 7pm, Hatfield Library

You can also view hard copies of the engagement tiles and fill in a response form at your local library during opening hours.